Age & sex standardised monthly non-COVID mortality 1970 – 2021
Another look at the monthly series for England & Wales (rev 1.0)
Back on 27th May I took a quick look at age & sex standardised all cause mortality (a.k.a. AGAM) for England & Wales for the period Jan 1970 – Dec 2021. I remarked that the overall decline over time wasn’t exactly new news, neither was the repetitive seasonality that turned this series into an alligator jaw. What was relatively new news was that our alligator had only two sharp front teeth, these being Apr 2020 and Jan 2021. This morning I wondered what the time series would look like if we pulled those two front teeth out.
I have thus spent a while trawling through the ONS website gathering data on deaths due to COVID by age and month, and came across this fabulous spreadsheet. This allowed me to derive counts of COVID deaths by quinary age band but not by sex, so I had to do some fiddling using mortality rates provided by the ONS in this spreadsheet. A couple of pots of tea later and I had reasonable estimates of deaths due to COVID by quinary age band and sex for the period Mar 2020 – Dec 2021, and therefore could derive deaths not due to COVID. Job done!
I’m now on to my third pot of tea and I can reveal what the series for age & sex adjusted mortality for non-COVID death looks like when plotted with the series for all cause death for the periods Jan 1970 – Dec 2021 and Jan 2017 – Dec 2021.
It is all good: you are like a feisty terrier with a healthy bone to chew: and I admire your tenacity greatly.
I'm reading a lot of online alt-Covid stuff at present. Mostly sound, some a bit silly.
The BBC and other mainstream media are sticking by their fantasy stories, even though almost all social media discussions are showing that the general public are asking some good, hard questions.
Why keep going? I don't really know, probably because I just loathe lies and liars, and want some justice to appear: truth would be good. And if we don't crack open this particular bad nut, then we can expect even more nasty stuff in future.. this is no time to stand back, this is the time to get tough.
But I'm wondering at what stage we, the great unwashed and vilified, will manage to go mainstream and the dam of Covid Stupid will burst.
It has to happen...eventually.