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Jul 24, 2023
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Quite. Not the behaviour of a novel and deadly virus!

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Jul 24, 2023
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Here's the listing for non-COVID viral respiratory infections. There are more within ICD-10 but these are the only codes that cropped up in the EPR sample...

Adenoviral pneumonia

Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis

Haemophilus influenzae infection, unspecified site

Human metapneumovirus pneumonia

Influenza due to identified zoonotic or pandemic influenza virus

Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, other influenza virus identified

Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified

Influenza with pneumonia, other influenza virus identified

Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified

Other pneumonia, organism unspecified

Other viral pneumonia

Parainfluenza virus pneumonia

Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia

Viral pneumonia, unspecified

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Jul 24, 2023
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Chronic have been excluded in these tabulations to provide focus and clarity in the numbers but when it comes to risk modelling they become a necessary part of the variance matrix. You'll need to wait for part 3 of this series plus part 12 of 'Do COVID vaccines work?' to see how chronic conditions slot in. Generally speaking it is not possible for me to reveal all the results of a study in one go, so I have to resort to publication of small chunks of results with each newsletter. The contribution of chronic respiratory disease ideally requires a study in its own right for we also need to consider this in a wider context e.g. hypertension and heart disease.

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Truly fascinating and mind blowing!

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Innit just? I had to keep checking the figures to make sure I had not made a mistake!

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Well who would have credited it, a made up pandemic. All this has opened my eyes to the make-believe world we live in with non-existent threats (pandemics, climate change etc.) hyped up by governments and MSM to scare the population into compliance with their fantastical goals of health passports, net zero poverty, digital ID and central bank digital currencies. For anyone out there who still thinks all this is all cock-up rather than conspiracy, I have a bridge to sell them.

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Not sure I get this - so the rate of all respiratory infections stayed the same throughout but in-hospital deaths from it peaked in line with the COVID narrative?

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Some videos of Chinese people face

planting dead in the street to kick it all off. Hysteria for more testing, fraud test for more cases and iatrogenicide - ventilators, lack of post viral antibiotics for the narrative specific timely death spikes. And then experimental gene therapy multiple injections for the excess deaths? Depopulation picks up a pace and now we have climate change and arson for the next stage. All sounds pretty straightforward to me!!

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Yes, the overall rate for deaths incurring an acute respiratory diagnosis stayed the same despite the peaks for deaths incurring a COVID diagnosis. This comes back to the 'died of' and 'died with' chestnut, but the shocker is that there are no hard core clinical signs of a novel and deadly respiratory virus leading to elevated rates for acute conditions, as we may expect. It was business as usual for high-end medicine despite a huge number of deaths being tagged as 'COVID'.

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Dr Malone’s latest post may be relevant if it applied to the UK https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/its-evil-to-fake-deaths-to-panic

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A great deal of this also applies to the UK because we're also bound into the WHO and legally mandated to follow their protocols.

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A number of those bacterial and fungal infections will be down to dirty wet masks.

The amount of customers and people I saw pulling out the filthiest grubbiest mask to put on was beyond my comprehension.

I wore one to start with as I didn’t know what we were dealing with,I was shopping for three households three times a week thanks to the idiots who stripped the shops and caused buying restrictions.

I wore cloth masks, never had less than three clean ones in a bag, once worn they were dropped into the dirty bag and hot washed.

Length of time worn was limited to walking round the supermarket, by the second week I’d stopped wearing one.

I noticed I’d started getting pain in my right lung where I’d had pneumonia over a decade before when I’d worn one.

Stopped wearing the masks and they pain went, it had never been a problem, or issue until then so I dumped the mask and never looked back.

I had a couple of people ask why I wasn’t wearing one in shops, told them that I wasn’t going to be in pain and make myself I’ll to please them.

I never wore a lanyard either.

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