Reference to Cause #3: Diseases of the respiratory system

I’ve been puzzled by SARS Cov-2 - (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) since subscribing to the (Syndromic Surveillance System) in 2020.


It seemed to me that mostly respiratory illnesses (upper and lower respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, influenza like and bronchial illnesses) reported to GP In Hours and Emergency Department, all seemed to be trending below baseline for most of the year. Not what I was expecting from a SARS like illness.

Am I missing something that caused the deaths in so many during the peak death period🤔

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Yes, it's a puzzle. I have been fortunate enough to be given an EPR dump of A&E admissions to one of our largest NHS Trusts. This shows a substantial rise in respiratory cases from Sep 2019 - Jan 2020, thereafter declining into normality for the pandemic period. This is reflected in treatment for respiratory conditions. Assuming the intake for this Trust is representative then the pandemic was never a respiratory issue despite being marketed as one.

Analysis of non-COVID care home deaths reveals a similar peak during April 2020, and so the only conclusion I can come to is excess death brought about by dangerous discharge and EOL protocols for those who were not necessarily suffering. Iatrogenic death is the diplomatic way of putting this.

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I give Kruse's facebook a daily glance. Small world. "pesticides, heavy metals, food additives, pharmaceuticals, vaccines and electrosmog" ... I didn't realize how woke you were. But detox is quackery! Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

“we estimate that about 400 000 deaths are attributable to lead exposure every year in the USA, of which 250 000 are from cardiovascular disease. Concentrations of lead in blood lower than 5 μg/dL (<0·24 μmol/L) are an important, but largely ignored, risk factor for death in the USA, particularly from cardiovascular disease.”


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Not so much woke as keeping my finger on the many pulses in case some pan out. That list bears teeth for those who care to dig down, grab data and think but, like every field of endeavour these days, there is also a decent helping of tripe.

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Agreed. Sorry if my sarcasm did not convey clearly.

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John, slnce you have the date of death data, doesn't this mean you can now examine excess death more accurately?

Also, El Gato recently posted a good chart showing COVID deaths increasing at the same rate after the vaccine as before. This is curious, because if the vaccines were effective you would expect this curve to bend down. I find this to be an interesting avenue to explore and I wonder if your new data trove would be useful in looking at the course of the pandemic in this way. Recently, everyone has been looking at excess deaths with regards to the vaccines. It seems like investigating whether the vaccines have slowed the COVID death rate is also useful.

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Yep! I'll be running excess death for date of death as well as date of registration to see how they stack up, then run this for a handful of major causes of death.

I saw that article. Under normal circumstances excess death is supposed to decline once vulnerable folk have passed as a pathogen works its way through a population. Cumulative excess will therefore bend down - but this isn't happening which means something is killing folk in a most persistent manner that we haven't ever seen before. So yes, if the vaccines were 'safe and effective' as claimed they'd have impacted greatly to bring excess into negative figures.

I'll be checking all this as time permits!

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The whole way this thing has been managed is no less than shady.

We know lockdowns had an effect on people getting and seeking treatment.

I do find it deplorable that it’s the first excuse that is rolled out for every problem and concern raised by the public.

In fact to be blunt, I am bored shitless by the government’s go to excuse for all the problems they created all by themselves.

Everyday they bombarded people with the updated tally of every single death, the majority with covid even if they were terminal, it didn’t matter as long as they got their fear message across.

What appalls me about all this is the public apathy to just accept that healthcare and treatments were withheld as if it was normal unless you were on deaths door.

I will never stop banging on the drum of how wrong refusing early treatment, cost so many lives that could have been saved, I even said the same directly to an ICU nurse, think she was a bit taken aback by my prevention better than the cure attitude.

Looking at the government’s campaign’s/ propaganda as a casual observer, it hit me right between the eyes on how they went out of their way informing the public to do the exact opposite of what is good for health.

They used very specific word is and messaging in their adverts, telling people to not socially mix with loved ones and telling people to stay indoors.

Telling people to stay inside to protect others is rather a shambles. Sunshine and fresh air is one of the best free medicines I was taught as a child growing up in the 70’s, many tb patients were sent to convalesce and help clear and heal their lungs for decades there.

This is one of the reasons I’m glad there’s people out there like you John Dee, as well as the many others who looked at what we’re being told and none of it adds up.

I don’t know how to understand and interpret the more than needed complex data, I am happy to support you in digging and finding to expose the truth.

There’s no excuses for what they’ve done, they had the data, access to real scientists, instead they chose to emotionally blackmail and abuse the nation using psychologists in the sage team.I never thought I’d live through a time when they depict following the science as telling people to stay indoors but open a window to let the virus out, it really is mind boggling.

Again John Dee thanks for all you do.

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That pretty much expresses what I feel. Maybe I should have rant one day and get it all off my chest because the numbers have been telling me about wall-to-wall lies from the beginning. Grateful thanks for your support

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I notice the same coincidence in unusual second mortality spike across the board in 2018, albeit to a lesser extent?

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Now that is darn interesting and maybe points to a common, underlying mechanism; a delicate relationship that gets disturbed, perhaps.

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