The work you do is so valuable! One day courageous, honest people like you will go down in history as being the instrumental in exposing the crimes committed against humanity. Words are not enough to express my gratitude.

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Priceless. The Almanac is in fact the only publication I have ever in my life actually paid for.

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Crikey. No pressure, then! :-)

I'm very grateful indeed, not just for your financial support but crackling good commentary that keeps me on my toes.

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This is more very very scary stuff, taken together with the excess deaths in almost all highly vaccinated countries (oddly, Sweden excluded)! This from Prof Norman Fenton:


It beggars belief that in no country in The World are the authorities showing any inclination to investigate the causes of their citizens' deaths and disabilities!

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The really scary thing for me is the only people making sense right now are those talking about the deep state/depopulation etc because no government in their right mind, and certainly no government agency in their right mind would ignore warning signals this strong unless they are deliberately doing so, and on a global (deep state) basis.

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Indeed. I tried hard at the beginning not to impugn the motives of those in charge. It has been very uncomfortable for me, an ex NHS GP, that the Government, the drug regulators and most of my profession have been pushing this poison and continued to do so even when the danger signals were flashing red in the yellow card scheme, VAERS, EUDRA vigilance etc. At the beginning of the "vaccine" roll-out I was very wary and convinced most of my family to say no; I could see the justification for jabbing the elderly and vulnerable but watched in disbelief as they came for younger and younger people culminating in the disgraceful authorisation for pregnant women and children as young as 6 months. I'm afraid like you that it's conspiracy not cock-up. I've definitely been overdosing on the red pills for the past 2 years!

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I bet! I'm an ex NHS department head (clinical audit) and a former government scientist with an institutionalised mindset so have tended to roll my eyes at the wackier stuff over the years. I've gone from blue pills weekly to red pills twice daily in the same time frame.

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The timeline of other medical scandals like thalidomide and haemophiliac blood products would suggest it takes about 3-5 years for the problem to be acknowledged and 10-30 years for legal and financial justice. We’re barely into year 3 of this monster. Given that the difference here is the sheer scale and the fact governments are directly implicated in the wrongdoing/poor policy, I would expect this to take longer. All the main UK ministers and advisers were on TV lying through their teeth every day. Whether this was done for the greater good or not, it soon becomes natural to them and will take a Damascus Road experience to reverse it.

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Back in Oct 2020 I said that if the government didn't start owning up to fudging the figures now they'd be unable to turn back - and that was just COVID! I now view it as a death struggle between humanitarianism and elitism.

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I think this is just head-in-the-sand delusional behaviour - a deep state of denial. It will take them some time to come to terms with their own folly, and the political implications of their stupidity.

Some of them still cling to straws such as claiming that their actions saved millions of lives. Idiots!

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Interesting. I wonder if they are unable to face the horror of what they have unleashed, and so seek refuge in denial.

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Yes, although I didn't believe in covid from Day One from the against-reality images of people falling flat on their face and laid out on the ground and on hospital floors and the claim - later debunked by a biosecurity specialist as "complete garbage" - that a Chinese research team had found two species of snake to be "reservoirs" of the virus plus other obvious nonsense - I couldn't really take on the "depopulation" claim ... but then ...

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"It is cheaper to kill, than to maim".

If these figures are accurate, then the total cost to the economy will be disastrous, as PIP benefit is reserved to working age adults only , (pensioners might receive an 'Attendance Allowance').

We also know that maybe half a million adults have disappeared from work altogether since 2019.

Other working age benefits include ESA (Employment and support allowance, which is paid at two rates one is contributory, the other non contributory. The difference is that children with a serious disability such as Autism who grow into adulthood will probably never have paid National Insurance, whilst those who have worked will have paid some contributions.

It would be handy to check any differences there, too.

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Cracking point Rob!

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Lets also bear in mind that many of the vaccine injured will also be in denial, and will not make claims yet as they probably hope that they will get better soon. Some of them may even still be on long-term sick pay - or some other kind of state sickness benefits - or simply in wait and see mode and living off savings. Its not easy to admit that you may never work again.

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Another cracking point - I reckon you're on three Weetabix.

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I'm well au fait with disability and benefits as my son has a lifelong disability, and I have served as Chairman of my local Carers Group and as a campaigner for carers going back several decades.

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Can I take the liberty of asking a question here? I tend to think this BBC footage taken in University College Hospital shows a drill happening rather than a real hospital situation. Any comments?


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Well, I can tell you straight up that film crews were never allowed in our ICU under any circumstances. Neither were they permitted on general wards for reasons of patient confidentiality and other legal wrangles. They were permitted to film in designated areas.

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Thanks, John. That's reasonably compelling.

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More amazing analysis from the pen/computer of Dee, Cummulative versus daily, then cross correlation. If chess moves we have Dee with check mate. Got to keep it light otherwise I'd be crying at all the deaths all day.

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Why thank you kind sir! I do like the belt and braces approach. Dr Clare Craig has pointed out that the minimum period to apply for a personal independence payment is 3 months - something I didn't know!


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3 months to apply! What seriously sick person has been sick, then diagnosed, then discovering that PIP exists, then finding what data is needed for and app, then collecting the data for the app....... could the 3 months be a carefully determined time frame to seem reasonable but exclude 90% of claims. Just thinking.

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