Is the hypertension consistently defined? Is it a yes/no thing or a numeric variable?

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Yes, there are rigid definitions for essential (primary) hypertension, which crops up as ICD-10 code I10 and starts at 140-159/90-99 mmHg.


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Simple human instincts have been telling us that many things were fishy & definiitely not right about the whole covid racket since the beginning. You are doing an outstanding job of demonstrating those feelings to have been well founded, so I trust you are taking additional steps to bolster your personal security. You do not want to follow in Dr David Kelly's footsteps.

I also applaud your efforts to achieve better biscuit supplies, but . . . GoFundMe? Those evil bastards who stole millions of dollars from the Canadian Freedom Convoy? And passed bank details to allow the Canadian government to freeze donors' accounts? They could do the same to you, as a non-conformist, fact based questioner of the narrative. Shun them!

Other percentage taking platforms are available, such as the one Andrew Bridgen is using - https://democracythree.org/en-gb/en-gb/the_day_democracy_died_andrew_bridgen . And loads of others here https://blog.fundly.com/gofundme-alternatives/ .

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You could also add a tip link like Helen Dale does in her substack. One article is here:

https://helendale.substack.com/p/the-social-imperial-state -- look for the link to Stripe under 'Housekeeping'.

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