Thanks John for your continued dedication. I'm of the view that PANDA have articulated quite well: mostly what spread in the "pandemic" was the PCR and antigen testing regime, with a tsunami of false positives flowing from the testing regime and, due to defining a "case" simply as a test positive almost for the first time in history, a flood of "cases." There was of course also an actual illness but it's prevalence as you've shown was nothing compared to the flood of false posiitve "cases."

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Yep, that's what it looks like to my eyeballs.

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I'm still convinced that fear itself was the main cause of the apparent 'Pandemic'. The mind plays strange tricks on people who have been terrorised into believing that a deadly Pandemic is on the way.

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Jonathan Engler, I'd love to see you write up a succinct piece with citations and rock solid analysis making the case, as your Italy analysis did, for global "spread" of the pandemic primarily being the spread of the testing and policy regime instead.

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Yes, we all succumbed to that mystery Xmas 2019 spike in this household too. It was rampant - but we didn't need medical attention. Hard to believe it was unrelated to Covid, and makes one wonder what on earth was happening at national level where you would have thought they would have detected it under the flu vigilance programmes.

All the usual symptoms of a heavy cold/ mild flu with some very odd taste sensations that resulted in my and my wife loathing the taste of wine for a week or two (shock horror)! and even juicier, both quitting smoking - permanently - and with zero effort - because it just tasted perfectly horrid. I still can't stand the smell of tobacco breath.

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Now overlay daily deaths in hospitals with admissions and you may come to the same conclusion I have about what was done. :)

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You'll need to wait until episode 6!

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that seems very unfair


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LOL - there's a meaningful flow to my analysis (I hope) with me currently penning part 7. Death has its place in the scheme of things, you might say. I'll pop out a quick note with a couple of key slides tomorrow am - right now the sofa, a slurp and a slump calls.

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A short note has been cobbled and published.

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The data confirms what I always suspected, that SARS-CoV-2 or whatever was around well before the plandemic was declared in March 2020. I recall some antibody studies which trace Covid back to at least September 2019. Like many others, Mrs W and I had a nasty cough which went on for weeks from Christmas to the end of January. Fascinating stuff and looking forward to the next instalment!

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That is really important evidence too. Its pretty clear that a) there was a horrid bug going round in winter 2019/20 and that b) it was not lethal. So, nobody worried about it.

Then ramp up a massive fear and loathing attack, isolate old folks, close down hospitals to everyone except the most luridly ill, enforce utterly farcical war-time petty measures like closing down pubs and closing kiddies swing parks with tape: and what happens? The death rate rockets, albeit very briefly.

The astonishing thing is that NOBODY in power apart from a few retired has-beens like Lord Sumption figured this out.


In retrospect it is all flaming obvious.

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Spot on Rob, spot on.

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