I saw this article today which has a few interesting charts. https://dailysceptic.org/2022/11/08/sweden-wins-country-that-refused-lockdown-and-kept-schools-open-has-lowest-pandemic-cumulative-excess-mortality-in-the-world/

The charts that show excess deaths vs vaccinations for Australia, New Zealand, and the US show excess deaths starting before the vaccine rollouts. It is possible that I am reading this wrong, but this suggests that the vaccines are not responsible for the excess deaths. In all three of these cases, excess deaths continue on their trajectory even after the vaccines.

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That's a great article by Joel. Excess deaths are a strange beast to figure. The climb upward will have started before Vx rollout because of seasonal effects compounded by the residual of lockdown/masking policies etc. These should have stabilised then gone into decline as negative excess during the warmer months set in. We don't see a decline even for Sweden, so to use my analogy the child has leap up from the trampoline and is suspended in mid air, the likely driver being vaccine harm.

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Not just influenza having weird patterns. RSV too:


It disappeared in 2019 before covid supposedly appeared. Maybe covid was here already and crowded it out.

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Good one! A while back I came to the conclusion that COVID was already here on grounds that around one third of my wife's international school went down with symptoms identical to those agreed by WHO back in October/November 2019 after they returned from home (many are South Asian). I got clobbered with identical symptoms early December and sat wiggling COVID toes in the bath in early Jan 2020 before COVID toes became a thing.

An analysis of ED records I did for HART using data supplied by a major NHS Trust revealed a massive increase in respiratory admissions from October - December 2019, this tailing off into obscurity.

I've clocked a few papers suggesting COVID was about in 2019, with the Red Cross Blood Study being the most recent. Their conclusions are somewhat drily expressed given the enormous implications.


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Thanks for that - I knew I had an Italian result somewhere but couldn't find it. This is why the pandemic has appeared to be more of a testdemic - they were picking up fragments from previous infections in most folk (but not all). It also explains the peculiar sudden and synchronistic outbreaks at distance.

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