Do we have any data on how much is backlogged with coroners?

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No idea Dave - I've had the feelers out but they're playing this one close to their chest.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by John Dee

I couldn’t find your name in the Big Brother Watch report, although I see they had tabs on Hart Group. Did you spot any unusual types going through your rubbish bins over the last three years?


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Oh yes indeed - quite a story. I've some rather interesting contacts who keep my back covered. There are intelligence officers operating in my social media accounts but they don't know that I know, and it's not just the 77th either (that revelation is incomplete). HART's servers were raided by a particular unit and I've been able to alert them to the media accounts to keep an eye on. This isn't news to me - as a former G7 government scientist I've been under surveillance for decades (it went with the job). My lips are still sealed by the Official Secrets Act, so there's a game to be played.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Author

The game warmed up when I opened a Twitter account, with operatives establishing my identity within minutes. That is possible given the resources at their disposal (the 77th are operating in conjunction with GCHQ and other facilities).

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by John Dee

I guess the emergency powers they introduced effectively put the country on a war footing. It gave them carte Blanche to override all human rights legislation.

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Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt right here on Substack are worth a squizz if you want to start picking through legislation.

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Thanks. I’ve followed those with interest and the Mark Sexton police case. I think in the UK all roads lead back to the Secretary of State for Health.

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Crikey JD, you’ve seduced us all into following your revelations, only to learn that we’re all on a watchlist of some secret government agency.


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Nowhere on the internet is a safe haven and never has been. Just by browsing AI will determine if you are worth watching, so these days I just get on with stuff that may be of use. The alternative is to sit in my man shed drinking beer!

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by John Dee

Interesting seeing Midazolam Matt on gmtv this morning, this bloke keeps popping up on us like a bad smell from the sewerage works.

As with all the other pieces of excrement in government who try passing vaguely as human beings, he’s still banging on the same drum asking for forgiveness.

At times he could hardly contain his dupers delight, when challenged by Madely on not answering questions directly, to which he confirmed what Madely suggested about them being trained to do this.

When the unlawful discharge of old people being sent back into homes, he showcased this technique perfectly. The science, you know the government led by science showed it was the care workers were the biggest cause of infection going on in the homes according to Midazolam Matt, asymptomatic infection wasn’t a known science thing, this was until he was pressed and admitted it was starting to show and he was being made aware.

Even with the vague awareness they discharged those who could be potentially infected to the old sitting ducks. Of course the care workers ended up scapegoated as being the biggest source, no matter what the government did badly.

I am no Einstein or rocket scientist but understand containment and isolation protocols, even the Victorians built hospitals to reduce and stop infection spreading like wildfire, imagine that!

What is so evident where Madazolam and his buddies are concerned, is how none will accept any responsibility. Even when pushed there’s no apology, he still insisted he didn’t break the law or mandates, only recommendations that him and his buddies brought in. The biggest laugh was on how he’s now allowed to tell the truth, which is impossible whilst in government, hence the training,. Yes he admitted that live on tv this morning, being truthful might get them crucified, so they don’t do it, oh what glorious people we have in parliament.

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What is interesting is that your data is showing spikes in the 65+ age ranges for circulatory diseases. This fits in what I know personally - there have been quite a few sudden deaths due to 'heart failure' among people I know in that age range. Tragically my sister (72) was one of them. From my point of view almost certainly killed by the jab. I do wonder how many need to die before all 'jabbing' is stopped. And then how many excess deaths we will have as the harm works it way through people's systems.

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Pharma backed by government have set their stall up on mRNA, theirs no deterring them now they’re headed down that road. U.K. citizens are just unpaid guinea pigs for their trial and error money making pit.

I have friends and family who have been damaged by these freak shots they’re passing off as medicine. People are entitled to take them and as any as they want as long as they know the truth.

They’ve already assigned codes on a data bank for the unvaxxed, single, double, boosted and double boosted. Dropping the jabs for under 50’s made me ponder, did the speech in the commons over damage draw too much attention to the age brackets that shouldn’t be driving dead in the numbers they are.

They’re desperate to persevere rolling out mRNA for all and sundry illness. Thanks to the sly way they’re introducing the digital identity, which is listed on the government website, consultation until the end of Feb. A green light will be seen to be given from the public who are unaware of its existence. They’ll have it rolled out by the end of the year, your data will be then available to buy by companies, including your medical records which will be openly accessible.

There’s no such coincidence that they just insisted you need ID to vote, this is the Trojan horse using safety and security as a reason.

All problems we have lead back to politicians, their cronies and their organisations and companies.

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