Is there an audit trail from death certificate to final coding?

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No idea but an independent assessment is sore needed if we are to have confidence that automated procedures are doing a decent job of coding COVID. Then again ad hoc reports I'm getting from the coal face suggest certification during the pandemic has been a total shambles and isn't great at the best of times.

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Audit trail.... good point. Maybe the powers that be make it difficult to find and break links anyway. Millions of people paid related to health care, just takes a few in key positions to totally mess up the data. Maybe "total deaths" is the only one difficult to fudge except for the young who must have the cause of death defined by a coroner.

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That's a good point about coroner decisions not being subject to automated cause coding - these are manually entered.

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ICD coding is carried out by specialists. Taking GP/doctor reports and selecting code/s that represent the findiings. Is this another potential disconnect between actual cause and coded cause? Do coders list in order? Anyone seen any patient ICD10 data?

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Before we get to the death coding though we have the initial diagnosis problem, don't we? The test is not a diagnostic test but the condition isn't clinically diagnosed - right there you have massive medical fraud. There is no rate of false positives or false negatives because there can't be so for every single person who's said to have covid there is no way to determine that they have the alleged illness, covid, or are simply suffering from a non-specific cold, flu or other respiratory illness.

Yesterday, I was speaking with someone who seems to believe every single word of propaganda from the authorities on the subject and she told me that she'd had covid. I can perfectly understand why she thought she had the alleged covid because she's in her sixties and said she felt sick in a way she'd never felt before and despite feeling so sick and so fatigued she didn't suffer fever which is a symptom of the flu. I looked up flu and fever and it says that some people don't suffer fever with the flu. While it might seem compelling, just because you feel sick in a way you've never felt before doesn't mean you've got covid - science doesn't make that assumption. You simply don't always suffer the same way from colds and flus, they're not all the same. And who knows how the mental strain of what's happening can affect us physically.

And there's the infamous "asymptomatic" and the even more infamous "asymptomatic transmission". As naturopath Amandha Vollmer says in the first episode of The Viral Delusion series, "You've got to clap for that one."

And as Dr Claus Köhnlein, co-author of Virus Mania, says, "We have a pandemic of testing." If testing stopped tomorrow, covid would disappear into the ether. There's no way to diagnose it without the test. No test, no covid, it's that simple. Where are the autopsies showing a new disease? They try to snow us with "ground glass opacities" found in tissue observations but they're not new and neither is a single thing else they push out to try to make us believe in a novel virus and illness. It's all smoke'n'mirrors from go to whoa.

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Yep, we've got to get through diagnosis first and that ain't going to be a pretty sight! After taking the WHO rule 3 coding into consideration we can possibly rely on pneumonia and influenza records up to 2019 but that's where common sense is going to stop. I'm in the middle of running some ARIMA models for the period 1901 - 2021 that will be published in part 3 next Monday that offer interesting insight into historical pandemics.

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It's an interesting experiment approaching what's happening from the various perspectives. John, are you familiar with Kevin Corbett, an English former nurse who while doing his PhD during the AIDS "pandemic" was alerted to anomalies in that narrative by the fact that positive HIV tests were treated differently for those considered to be high-risk and those who weren't. This is a very interesting interview he did with Sam Bailey (MD).


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Now that is interesting - I'll take a look. The more I delve into the field of virology the more it stinks!

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Yep, to high heaven!

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