Just about to grab some breakfast and then I'll have a look at non-COVID death to rule out delta etc variants.

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Brilliant work... you and Steve Kirsch!

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Great stuff - thank you. Certainly a smoking gun, but can we prove causation?

Vaccination occurred at different times for different European countries and also for different age groups. If this 5 month lagged cross correlation exists between jab and death across other countries and age groups, it would be difficult to argue that it wasn't causal. Australia and NZ would also provide a further check to see if seasonal effects are in play.

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Bang on Kevin. Kudos must go to Steve Kirsch but, yes, if analysts can confirm a global pattern then we are talking as smoking as the gun gets without DBRCT. Just running ARIMA etc for non-COVID death and I'm getting similar results. Will bash this out in part 2 but first I need a bacon sarnie!

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Yep. I'm afriad this is real. Myself and another analyst found the same lagged relationship back in March: https://twitter.com/redpill4me/status/1565654419538165765?s=20&t=48HTIlSZGTGTiQEbkXeKpQ

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Cracking stuff! I try not to follow folk, so when I get a result that matches the work of others I know I'm not deluding myself. By coincidence I chose to put 'red pill' in my subtitle so we must be drinking the same whisky :-)

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I have hardly ever commented on your articles but wanted you to know that I read every single one.

Brilliant work.

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Why thank you kind sir! Just confirmed the same result for non-COVID excess but I'm still unshaven in my dressing gown with stomach rumbling after a 4:45am start. I'll take a break and get this typed out. Two barrels are better than one.

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You are doing brilliant work, John, and I'm grateful but.....for someone who can't even do schoolgirl Maths your findings are bewildering, and frustrating!

Is it possible for you to summarise a conclusion in simple language, or would that be 'inadvisable'?

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It looks like vaccines are causing excess death some 5 months down the line but there's a truckload more work to do! If this is indeed the case then we're looking at a cumulative effect of multiple jabs that steadily builds. I'm only a numbers guy so experts will need to flesh out the mechanism for us.

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Thank so much!

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What words to use? Homicide or murder. Profound work from Kirsch and great follow up from JD.

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Quite. Thank goodness for a chap like Kirsch otherwise I would have been none the wiser!

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Hoping you find a reasonable explanation for this.

My elderly relatives are very keen on their boosters 😫

Has anyone done this kind of analysis on flu vaccines or shingles vaccines? It would make an interesting comparison

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That explanation needs to come from those with serious expertise in an 'ology' - all I can do is use numbers to point out something is greatly amiss, whatever that something is. I don't know of any similar studies for other conditions but it might be worth you digging around!

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